Thursday, May 31, 2012

Exposition Photo Exhibition!

Expo photo des élèces de l'école mémoriale Willie J. Happyjack

Willie J. Happyjack Memorial School's Students Photo Exhibition

Back from Goose Break

Some pictures taken by Terry Blacksmith on the first Monday following Goose Break!

Quelques photos prises par Terry Blacksmith le premier lundi au retour du Goose Break!

Photo Hike Terry Blacksmith

Photo Hike Terry Blacksmith

Photo Hike Terry Blacksmith

Photo Hike Terry Blacksmith

Photo Hike Terry Blacksmith

Photo Hike Terry Blacksmith

Photo Hike Terry Blacksmith

Photo Hike Terry Blacksmith

Film Photography!

Before digital cameras, people used to take pictures with film cameras, in which photos were captured on light sensitive film, developed and transferred on photo paper. With this method, you had to wait days before seeing the results!

Here, in Waswanipi, we tried this old school method with both color, and black and white film. We took the picture on films; sent the film rolls to be developed in Montreal; received the developed negatives back; and finally scanned and enlarge the negative using a scanner at school.

Avant l'ère numérique, les gens prenaient leurs photos à l'aide d'appareil argentique. Les photographies étaient capturées sur des films sensibles à la lumière, ceux-ci étaient par la suite développés et transférés sur du papier photo. Tout ce processus prenait du temps et n’avait rien à voir avec l'instantanéité des appareils photo que nous avons aujourd’hui!

Durant le semestre, à quelques reprises, nous avons expérimenté cette bonne vieille méthode. Nous avons pris des photos à l'aide de caméras à film; nous avons envoyé ces films se faire développés à Montréal; nous avons reçu les négatifs développés; et nous avons finalement numérisé le tout!

Voici les résultats par artiste!

Antonio Otter's :

Antonio Otter BW Film

Antonio Otter BW Film

Antonio Otter BW Film

Antonio Otter BW Film

Antonio Otter BW Film

Antonio Otter BW Film

Antonio Otter BW Film

Antonio Otter BW Film

Antonio Otter BW Film

Antonio Otter BW Film

Antonio Otter BW Film

Antonio Otter BW Film

Antonio Otter BW Film

Antonio Otter BW Film

Donavan Happyjack Visitor's:

Picture taken by Donovan with a Canon Film Camera

Picture taken by Donovan with a Canon Film Camera

Picture taken by Donovan with a Canon Film Camera

Picture taken by Donovan with a Canon Film Camera

Picture taken by Donovan with a Canon Film Camera

Picture taken by Donovan with a Canon Film Camera

Picture taken by Donovan with a Canon Film Camera

Picture taken by Donovan with a Canon Film Camera

Picture taken by Donovan with a Canon Film Camera

Picture taken by Donovan with a Canon Film Camera

Picture taken by Donovan with a Canon Film Camera

Picture taken by Donovan with a Canon Film Camera

Picture taken by Donovan with a Canon Film Camera

Picture taken by Donovan with a Canon Film Camera

Picture taken by Donovan with a Canon Film Camera

Jeremiah Hunter Picard :

Jeremiah Hunter Picard BW Film

Jeremiah Hunter Picard BW Film

Jeremiah Hunter Picard BW Film

Jeremiah Hunter Picard BW Film

Jeremiah Hunter Picard BW Film

Jeremiah Hunter Picard BW Film